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Fiscal Box

Fiscal Mechanisms with upgraded capabilities, operate as an autonomous tax device or in a network and ensure the issue of legal receipts through electronic signing.

Model: Algo One Brand: ICS
Algo One Fiscal device Special Fiscal Mechanism with the new specifications of the Hellenic Ministry of Economy & Finance. Operates exclusively with SOFTONE & UNISOFT applications. No. Qualifying License Min. Finance 15 DMV 668/09-02-2024.15 DMV 668/09-02-2024..
Model: Algobox III Brand: ICS
Algobox III Fiscal device ALGOBOX III supports up to 10 EFTPOS and prints receipts from the built-in printer. Can be updated relotely without on-site visit to the customer. 2-line 16-character LCD screen, 6-key keyboard and Ethernet, USB, RS232 Ports. Printer with 57mm paper and 80mm/sec p..
Model: Algobox III white Brand: ICS
Algobox III white Fiscal device ALGOBOX III supports up to 10 EFTPOS and prints receipts from the built-in printer. Can be updated relotely without on-site visit to the customer. 2-line 16-character LCD screen, 6-key keyboard and Ethernet, USB, RS232 Ports. Printer with 57mm paper and 80mm..
Model: Algobox Net II Brand: ICS
Fiscal device Algobox Net IISpecial Fiscal Mechanism with the new specifications of the Hellenic Ministry of Economy & Finance. Type A & Type B driver. Characteristics of driver Type A: Compatibility with all market programs (DOS, WINDOWS, OFFICE, IE, INTERNET). Compatibility with all types ..
Model: Algobox Net II black Brand: ICS
Fiscal device Algobox Net II blackSpecial Fiscal Mechanism with the new specifications of the Hellenic Ministry of Economy & Finance. Type A & Type B driver. Characteristics of driver Type A: Compatibility with all market programs (DOS, WINDOWS, OFFICE, IE, INTERNET). Compatibility with..
Model: ICS signServer Brand: ICS
Remote management platdorm ICS Signserver for fiscal devices.Signserver software operates in Windows environment and serves companies that need remote management of one or many fiscal mechanisms to mark the revenue receipts they issue. Against the old ways that presupposes the presence of a fiscal d..
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 (1 Pages)