ESL Electronic labels to operate acording to the New Regulation.ICS Karafyllis S.A. provides electronic labels that are ideal for the requirements of the New Regulation in a wide range for every business.Contact us for further information..
Upgrade of FIMAS Tax MechanismsNew firmware version of FIMAS which offers automatic optimization of the use of the device's internal storage space (SD). The upgrade process is automatic and is done remotely, simply request it from us, giving us the s..
The ICS VCR All in One digital cash register is funded with a voucher from PROGRAM I "DIGITAL MEDIA TOOLS B''' in category A.01.05 with Product ID 171279.Contact us for furter information..
CITIZEN CX-02 Photo Printer for Business and Professionals!Thermal photo printer for professional photographers, event venues, theme parks, playgrounds, photo booths, hotels, resorts, cruise ships, entertainment centers, etc. Simple and economical so..